One of the things I love about blogging is seeing how people come to my site through Google or other search engine searches.
Interestingly, the most frequent search term that brings people to my site is anything to do with the Emerging Church movement and Emergent.
This shouldn’t be surprising considering for 10 years I have chronicled my journey into, through, and beyond the Emergent church. I’ve especially written about my theological concerns with Emergent in an effort to help people better understand and respond to the movement and its aberrant theology with 3 books:
Reimagining the Kingdom traces the liberal roots of Emergent theology, specifically its use of “Kingdom” language; Reimagining the Christian Faith explores the specific theologies and beliefs of four Emergent leaders; The Gospel of Brian McLaren dives deep into the theology of the grandfather of the Emergent movement, Brian McLaren.
These books have been available in print and ebook for some time, but I thought I would do something special to serve my readers:
Today I am bundling my best-selling works into an Emergent theology reader that gives significant savings on the original books to equip you to respond to the foreign theology of the Emerging Church.
It’s called Understand Emerging Church Theology: From a Former Emergent Insider, and this week it’s on a special promo—more on that below…
This bundle of the three books above represents my work as a former Emergent insider and historical theologian. It clearly outlines and explains the major teachings of major Emergent theologians, while responding point-by-point.
- If you’re trying to understand the deeper theology behind Emergent’s use of the Kingdom of God, this book is for you.
- If you’re trying to address and confront the teachings and theology of Brian McLaren, this book is for you.
- If you’re trying to grasp how the major teachings of the Emerging Church movement mirror early church heresies and theological liberalism, this book is for you.
What’s even better is that it’s on a super-cool countdown deal for Kindle owners that runs from now (July 28, 2014) until August 1, 2014.
Already the book heavily discounts the three books 46% off their original price to only $5.99. But beginning today you can grab it for $1.99 $2.99. And each day until Friday it will increase a $1.00 until its back to its original price.
You can also get a sweet 400 page print version from that will save you 35% off the original three-book prices—for $19.95 the Amazon discounted price of $16.98.
My hope is that this book will empower interested Christians to respond to the foreign theology of the Emerging Church and do what Jude urges the Church to do:
contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. (Jude 3)
Thank you Jeremy. I appreciate your help in learning what I can from new teachers without letting my mind be carried away with the excitement of learning something new and interesting & straying from the basic message God has given to us. Our minds are very moldable, and I want it to be Jesus who molds me.