by Jeremy Bouma | Emerging Church, Theology
A VINTAGE CHRISTIAN MANIFESTO OF HOPE • 1 Resist Progressive Christianity, Reclaim the Fundamentals Post Series 0—Progressive: Let’s Get Vintage! 1—Manifesto: Resist Progressive Christianity, Reclaim the Fundamentals 2—Vintage Faith: 10 Things to Know About... by Jeremy Bouma | Emerging Church, Personal
I’ve shared a bit about this the past few months, but I’m so pleased to share my first novel launched today—and with a 15% ebook sample that should give you a good feel for the journey that’s ahead. It’s called From There and Back Again, the... by Jeremy Bouma | Emerging Church, Personal, Theology, Uncategorized
One of the things I love about blogging is seeing how people come to my site through Google or other search engine searches. Interestingly, the most frequent search term that brings people to my site is anything to do with the Emerging Church movement and Emergent.... by Jeremy Bouma | Christian Spirituality, Emerging Church, Theology
The past week I’ve been reflecting on our ability to know God. Recently a Christian thinker and vicor in the Church of God suggested God is unknowable. Well, I wrote this post nearly 8 years ago during a “crisis of knowing,” and I hope it comforts... by Jeremy Bouma | Christian Spirituality, Emerging Church, Featured, Reviews, Theology
On Tuesday Rob Bell celebrated the release of the paperback version of his missive on universal salvation. In honor of that celebration I thought I would re-post my review and response. It’s been reviewed and downloaded tens of thousands of times, and for a... by Jeremy Bouma | Emerging Church, Theology
A few weeks ago a friend posed some question on one of my posts pimping (read: promoing!) my new book on Protestant liberalism and the Kingdom of God, called Reimagining the Kingdom. I thought I’d work through some of those questions as a way to work through...