The gospel is not the mystery of incomprehensible darkness (as it has often been for the orthodox) but the mystery of incomprehensible light. It is not that we see so little of what God has done that we are puzzled, but that in the light of God’s revelation in Christ we see so much of what God has done that we are dazzled.

~Karl Barth from Church Dogmatics II/2

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Learning theology with the church fathers continually rebukes the fallen human inclination toward theological and spiritual pride…We are not the first Christians to read Scripture…The soundest theology will protect, preserve and effectively communicate the church’s theological legacy, rather than succumbing to to the temptation to create compulsively new theological models out of whole cloth. (27)

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Here is a round-up of thought-provoking links for your end-of-the week reading pleasure to help make the vintage faith relevant again.

(Click the headline for full article)

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