**3 Emergent Theology Response Books in 1**
Includes best selling books:
- Reimagining the Kingdom: The Generational Development of Liberal Kingdom Theology from Schleiermacher to McLaren
- The Gospel of Brian McLaren: A New Kind of Christianity for a Multi-Faith World
- Reimagining the Christian Faith: Exploring the Emergent Theology of Doug Pagitt, Peter Rollins, Samir Selmanovic, and Brian McLaren
On February 8, 2010 pastor and theologian Jeremy Bouma did something he thought he’d never do:
He said “Goodbye, Emergent”!
Once upon a time he was enamored by the “I-am-not-a-movement-but-a-conversation” known as the Emerging Church after entering a period of faith deconstruction and reconstruction nine years ago. Like many young adults, for the first time he was taking his faith in Jesus Christ seriously and asking a whole lot of questions along the way–which the Emergent Church helped foster and nurture.
But then something happened: He came to realize the Emerging Church is a form of Christianity other-than the versions that currently exist but mirror those that have already existed, mainly the false theology of theological liberalism and early church heresies.
Understand Emerging Church Theology is a bundle of three books representing his best selling work as a former Emergent insider and historical theologian. In each book he clearly outlines and explains the major teachings of major Emergent theologians, while responding point-by-point.
- If you’re trying to understand the deeper theology behind Emergent’s use of the Kingdom of God, this book is for you.
- If you’re trying to address and confront the teachings and theology of Brian McLaren, this book is for you.
- If you’re trying to grasp how the major teachings of the Emerging Church movement mirror early church heresies and theological liberalism, this book is for you.
If you’re trying to understand the deeper theology behind Emergent’s use of the Kingdom of God, this book is for you. If you’re trying to wrap your head around and address the teachings of Brian McLaren, this book is for you. If you’re trying to grasp how the major teachings of the Emerging Church movement mirror early church heresies and theological liberalism, this book is for you.
This books will empower interested Christians to respond to the foreign theology of the Emerging Church and do what Jude urges the Church to do:
contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. (Jude 3)