It’s been a while since I’ve written here, but there’s a reason…

vcp_imageI’ve been hustling to complete a brand new site chuck full of resources to help people rediscover and retrieve the vintage Christian faith. I shared it last week with my list [which means if you’re not a member, you might want to get on that 😉 ].

The new site is centered around something I’ve been passionate about for a while: making the vintage faith relevant to your world.

It’s built on the idea that sometimes to go forward we need to go backwards. Several of us over the years have recognized the need to do just that. And we’ve spearheaded a sort of movement to go vintage in the Christian faith by rediscovering and retrieving what the Church has always believed.

And what’s a movement without a podcast, right? I’m pleased to share a project I launched a few weeks ago: The Vintage Christian Podcast.

The Vintage Christian Podcast looks backwards to go forward in the Christian faith by rediscovering and retrieving what the Church has believed. We’ve got interviews with leading theologians and ministry practitioners. And then there are the monologues from me, your host, helping you look backwards to go forward in your faith.

Each episode is about the length of a morning commute, making it the perfect way to begin (or end) your day. And they drop every Thursday.

Based on early feedback, I think you’ll find it informative, inspirational, and even a little bit entertaining. So jump over to iTunes or Stitcher to listen now!

We’ve got lots more coming in the next few weeks—including a once-a-week newsletter aggregating the best links on making the vintage faith relevant, a new manifesto on vintage Christianity, and a…let’s just say you’re gonna like it.

I’m super excited to share this new aspect of my work! In the meantime…

Stay vintage,




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